Monday, 23 June 2008

Anthology Promotion

Today, Borders at Cheshire Oaks kindly gave us a spot near the entrance of the store to promote and sell our Antholgy. Thanks to the usual generous support of VRWG members, we sold eight copies of the Anthology - plus a further three to Borders for sale in the store. In addition to selling the Anthologies, we also received several enquiries about the Writing Group - and some welcome interest in the G.O.E.S charity. I am now going to attempt to attach a couple of photographs to this Blog - but I will also publish this on the usual site for those who are not blogging yet.


Tom said...

Well done, team! A great day - and sales training thrown in!

Strepsy said...

Managed to get a copy at the Warrington Borders earlier. Great stuff, looking forward to a good read later.