Thursday 6 January 2011

Where in the world?

I've just looked at the location of people who have looked at the blog - UK, as expected, but who is our Russian viewer? Who in China follows our adventures? Is that you, Harry, in South Africa?
Happy New Year to all of you!

Thursday 16 July 2009

Just testing.

Yahoo seem to have a problem with my emails to the group. It seems I can reply to individuals but not to the whole membership. I've informed Yahoo directly but only receive goobledegook responses. What ever happened to Plain English?

Friday 22 May 2009

Wonderous offer ...

Looking for fame? Longing to tread the boards with the (ex) bard?
The Pyramid theatre in Warrington is staging the ex-laureate Andrew Motion on Thursday 4th June (two weeks away) as he promotes his latest book.
They are looking for somebody to chair the Q & A session after the performance. Ideal person is a local (preferably to Warrington) poet/chair/rabble-queller who knows a bit about poetry.
Any offers? They would like a name by Tuesday - give me a ring 01925 264926 if you're interested or have a bright idea!

Saturday 14 March 2009

VRWG March Meeting

Another packed meeting - I lost count at 24 attendees! I think the time is fast approaching for a second mid-month meetign to take off.

Marian gave us an interesting exercise. First liners from books. Aim was to continue the story from the first line. Of course there was the inevitable trying to guess what book the first line came from. I'm not sure if any of us got any of them!

Bob's started yet another book!

Saturday 7 March 2009

It were a reet good neet (try that on your spool cheeker!)

Just to report on a) the poetry group meeting at Warrington (refurbished) Library on Friday. Everybody on form - poetry as good as I've heard anywhere and free biscuits!
and b) Congratulations to Marian for her efforts which produced a superb hard-working half day writers' workshop at Northwich Salt Museum today. VRWG weren't the only ones there - how large do we want the group to go?

Friday 23 January 2009

Vale Royal AGM

Well last Monday night was the first AGM of the VRWG held at the Blue Cap.We managed to get a quorum (just) and worked our way through the agenda without there being any fights, tantrums or pen throwing.

Bob did the hard work putting it all together.The Exec committe stood down and got re-voted back in again (funny how there weren't any other people desperate to stand - especially for Treasurer!)After the AGM we had a Management meeting to discuss some group "stuff".

We all agreed we'd had a reasonably busy year and were looking forward to the 09 events coming up.

Minutes should be on the group site shortly.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Rag Rug Writings

So much for new starts in a new year. The Great African Novel drags at my shoulder like a disintegrating rag rug being dragged, part complete, to a dusty market. Look - here's half the opening chapter under an empty flower pot. There's a shoddy erotic adventure, chewed by termites, in the bottom of a battered suitcase ...
Any one else having problems kick-starting creativity?
Best wishes,