Saturday, 14 March 2009

VRWG March Meeting

Another packed meeting - I lost count at 24 attendees! I think the time is fast approaching for a second mid-month meetign to take off.

Marian gave us an interesting exercise. First liners from books. Aim was to continue the story from the first line. Of course there was the inevitable trying to guess what book the first line came from. I'm not sure if any of us got any of them!

Bob's started yet another book!

Saturday, 7 March 2009

It were a reet good neet (try that on your spool cheeker!)

Just to report on a) the poetry group meeting at Warrington (refurbished) Library on Friday. Everybody on form - poetry as good as I've heard anywhere and free biscuits!
and b) Congratulations to Marian for her efforts which produced a superb hard-working half day writers' workshop at Northwich Salt Museum today. VRWG weren't the only ones there - how large do we want the group to go?